Module qbandas.schemas

Methods that deal with handling local copies of QuickBase tables' schemas.

Everytime you want to upload or fetch records on QuickBase, you must have a valid schema for the table.


Field arguments for the schema are used to tell qbandas how to parse the incoming/outgoing data. You can set field arguments using add_schema_args() and set_schema_args().

For help creating datetime format strings, see here and here.

Field Type Supported arguments
duration unit : str, either 'seconds' or 'milliseconds'
date format : str, datetime format string
datetime format : str, datetime format string


def add_schema_args(table_name: str, fields: list = None, arguments: dict = None, *fields_, **arguments_)

Add arguments to a table's schema

Will append to the schema and override any existing arguments with the same name


table_name : str
The table to update
fields : list
The field names to update, by default None
arguments : dict
The arguments to add, by default None
def fetch_schema(dbid: str, profile: str, table_name: str = None)

Download a local copy of a table's structure from a QuickBase application.


dbid : str
The unique identifier of the table in QuickBase.
profile : str
The profile to authorize this request
table_name : str, optional
The name of the table. None uses the dbid, by default None
def list_schemas() ‑> list[str]

List the names of all the usable schemas.

The names are 'table_names'


The names of all the usable schemas
def set_schema_args(table_name: str, fields: list = None, arguments: dict = None, *fields_, **arguments_)

Set the arguments for some fields in a given schema


table_name : str
The nameof the table to configure
fields : list, optional
The fields to configure, by default None
arguments : dict, optional
The arguments to add, by default None