Module qbandas.records

Functions that deal with sending records or information to a Quickbase application.


def fetch_records(table_name: str, profile: str, *columns_, columns: list[str] = None, where: str = None, order: list = None, group_by: list = None, skip: int = 0, limit: int = None) ‑> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Fetch a table of records from a QuickBase app

This method emulates the functionality of a SQL statement.

More information about fetching records through the QuickBase API can be found here.

Using this method without specifying -O to the python interpreter will print debug info. It can be useful for seeing if the data is being fetched correctly.


table_name : str
The table to pull records from
profile : str
The name of the profile to authorize this request
columns : list[str], optional
The columns to select, by default None
*columns_ : list[str], optional
More columns to select, by default list()
where : str, optional
Should be written like an SQL statement, by default None
order : list, optional
The order in which to sort the returned records. Each entry in this list is a tuple with the first element being the column name, and the second is the word 'asc' or 'desc'. by default None
group_by : list, optional
How to group records, by default None
skip : int, optional
Number of records to skip off the top off the returned dataframe, by default 0
limit : int, optional
Maximum number of records that can be returned. None is no limit, by default None


The records from QuickBase.
def upload_records(df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, table_name: str, profile: str, drop: bool = False)

Send a table of records (rows) to a table on QuickBase.

If no errors are thrown, the data was successfully uploaded to QuickBase. If an error occurs when sending the data, it is possible that only some of your records will have been uploaded to QuickBase. If that is an issue, please fix the data, and send it all again.

Using this method without specifying -O to the python interpreter will print debug info. It can be useful for seeing if the data is being uploaded correctly.


df : pd.DataFrame
The table of records
table_name : str
Identifies which table to send the data to. You should use fetch_schema() to create a table_name.
profile : str
The profile to authorize this request
drop : bool, optional
Toggle dropping extra columns. If False, all columns must match, by deafult False